Thought I'd cheer myself up by taking the Big 5 Personality Test. Bad move!
From my 2% score for conscientiousness to my barnstorming 97% for neuroticism, what emerged was the portrait of a monster.
Agreeableness? Uncomfortably less than 50%. Extraversion? A paltry 9%. "You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone." Don't think I've got much choice, considering.
The only flicker in the darkness: "You are relatively open to new experiences."
Such as taking online personality tests? Well, that can change…
It should be said though that these percentages are arrived at by comparison with all the other folk who've taken the test online. So if only we can persuade large numbers of seriously unpleasant people to take it, then wahay, my own scores should improve!
They also say neurosis rates are higher in "places with higher precipitation". So perhaps we Brits are all in the same boat?
Me: worrier, unsociable, critical.
Yup, it works.
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